
August 2009

Using coupons: it’s not as silly as you might think…

Can using coupons really save you money? According to a recent study, yes – a lot.

According to the American Promotional Marketing Association, your shouldn’t steer clear of the ever-present coupons you can cut out of circulars or magazines, or that you’re given when you buy something.

A study undertaken by this association shows that people who spend 20 minutes a week finding, cutting out and sorting coupons can save up to $1,000 a year. That’s an impressive number, especially when you consider that the average American household spends $5,000 a year on groceries.

Using coupons can cut 20% from your food bill? You might suspect that an association devoted to promotional marketing would have every interest in presenting these numbers in a positive light. But when you see 9 out of 10 Americans using coupons (no doubt because of the economic downturn), you do have to admit that this is a major phenomenon.

Of all the coupons, those found online are gaining most in popularity, having increased by more than 10% over the past few months. But is the exorbitant cost of cartridges for ink-jet printers being taken into account in the customers’ calculations?  That’s another story …