
December 2017

The best of Actualis in 2017

  • Do you donate just from the heart?
    Some basic concepts in planned giving.
    Read the article

  • Retired? Sort of…
    More and more people of retirement age are staying in the labour market. And it isn’t necessarily because they need the money.
    Read the article

  • Critical illness and the piggy bank
    A study shows that the financial effects of a critical illness can be devastating, not just for the victim, but for the whole household.
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  • Up to your ears in paper?
    A few ideas to help you with a management strategy for your many documents.
    Read the article

  • When it comes to personal finances, how much is advice worth?
    Could be a lot, according to the figures reported in this video.
    Watch the video

  • Self-employed workers: a handy guide
    A comparative overview of self-employment and salaried workers.
    View the infographic

  • Five financial homework assignments for this summer
    A to-do list that could be just as relevant for the beginning of the year.
    Read the article

  • Understanding your personal rate of return
    An explanation of the two principal methods used to establish the annual return on a portfolio.
    Read the article

  • What is responsible investment?
    Where the concept came from and what it entails.
    Read the article

  • And then what happens?
    An overview of basic concepts in estate planning.
    Read the article