Contact management

Status of contacts

The icon on the left indicates the status of a contact:

Active  or  Active  - Active – can receive emails

Inactive  or  Inactive  - Inactive – cannot receive emails

Quarantined email  or  Quarantined email  - Quarantined email – the email address is not valid, and no other attempts will be made to contact this client until the email address is updated or you lift the quarantine.

Lift quarantine

Your client does not receive your newsletter

Certain servers are very strict about what they classify as spam. It is inevitable that some of your emails will never reach their intended recipient because the emails will be intercepted without the recipients ever knowing.

Reasons why an email might bounce:

  1. The address that you entered is incorrect.
  2. The server is down or too busy.
  3. The inbox is full.
  4. The server has intercepted the email as spam.

Steps to follow if an email is not reaching its recipient:

  1. Confirm the email address and update it as necessary, and return your client’s status to "Active" in your Actualis database.
  2. Ask your client to watch their junk mail folder.
  3. Ask the client to include in their contact list/address book and reset the client’s status to "Active" in your Actualis database.
  4. Try to have clients use a personal email address (hotmail, sympatico, yahoo, etc) as much as possible.